The House system is a service – cum – training organisation. Its objectives are :-
To promote the welfare of the students.
To promote better student-teacher relationship.
To furnish citizenship training.
To encourage self-discipline.
To arouse greater school spirit.
To impart training in the skill of management and leadership.
Each house is headed by a House Master and House Captain (a student). Houses shall perform the following duties in rotation.
To manage the Morning Assembly.
To write the three news concerning international, national and sports events and also thought for the day on the blackboards meant for the purpose.
To deliver the thought in the form of a short speech in assembly.
To check the late comers and mark them in the late comers register.
To help maintain order during the recess period.
To look after the general cleanliness of the school.
To check the student’s uniforms.
To participate enthusiastically in all inter-house contest.
To be proud of own house and always work for its healthy traditions.
To help maintain discipline on the occasion of the school functions.
To help the school authorities in organising various school functions and making suitable arrangements for them.
To cotribute effectively to the beautification of the campus.