Documents required for Admission in classes Nursery – STD I
- A photocopy of Date Of Birth Certificate issued by the N.A.C or any other competent authority.
- A photocopy of the student’s Aadhar Card
- A photocopy of the Parent’s (Mother / Father) Aadhar Card
Documents required for Admission in classes STD II – STD IX
- Transfer Certificate from the Previous School in Original
- Permanent Education Number (PEN) generated by the previous school in the UDISE+ portal
- A photocopy of the Report card of the previous class
- A photocopy of the student’s Aadhar Card
- A photocopy of the Parent’s (Mother / Father) Aadhar Card
As per the latest information provided by the Government of Odisha the Age criteria for admission is as follows: –
- Nursery – 3 years as on 1st September
- LKG – 4 years as on 1st September
- UKG – 5 years as on 1st September
- STD I – 6 years as on 1st September
For Reserved Category
25% of seats in STD I are reserved for students under RTE act.
Please Note
- The rights of admission are strictly reserved with the Principal.
- Parents are advised not to take the T.C./withdraw the name of the child from the previous school unless his/her admission is confirmed in our school.
- Date of birth once entered in the school records cannot be changed.
Tuition Fee is charged for all the twelve months of the year which can be paid in four equal instalments at the school office, as follows:
- 1st Instalment – 1st to 30th of April
- 2nd Instalment – 1st to 30th of July
- 3rd Instalment – 1st to 30th of October
- 4th Instalment – 1st to 30th of January
Defaulters will be charged a fine of Rs. 50/- per month. All dues must be cleared under all circumstances before Annual Examinations failing which the result can be withheld.
If a student is withdrawn for any length of time and if the parents wish him or her to be re-admitted, all admission charges will be charged again as in case of new admission.
A written application must be made by the parent/guardian for the issue of a transfer certificate, clearly stating the reason of transfer, along with a payment of Rs. 400/- towards the same.
The transfer Certificate may be issued after verification of payment of the fee and other dues of the school. The final T.C. shall be handed over after one week of application and the clearance thereon.
Certificates of conduct or any other certificates and application forms for the higher studies must be submitted two days in advance for the Principal’s Signature.
The following categories of pupils may be required to be withdrawn from the school:
- Those whose fee are in arrears.
- Those whose behaviour in the opinion of the Principal is harmful in the interest of the school.